Thursday 24 January 2013

Google creating small wireless network for its Mountain View campus?

Google creating small wireless network for its Mountain View campus?. Google, Wireless, Wi-Fi, Phone, Mobile internet, Mobile networks 0

Google is getting ready deploy a small wireless network that covers its Mountain View headquarters, according to an application filed with the FCC. The folks at Google have been known to be experimental to create new products and this could be one of those instances.
First noted by the Wall Street Journal, the FCC application asked for an experimental license for a "radio service" in Mountain View. The small wireless network wouldn't be compatible with most Android handsets or iOS devices available on the market today, rather for devices with a 2524 to 2625 megahertz range. 
No carrier in the US or UK is using this type of network on a large scale, rather it would be for handsets in emerging markets like China, Japan, and Brazil. Google, and even Apple, have noted several times the importance of these emerging markets to adopt new customers. 
Having a compatible wireless network on its campus, this could give the folks at Google a chance to test devices on networks that are deployed in other countries -- specifically in the Motorola unit. Wall Street Journal reports that Google plans to use Clearwire's spectrum on its campus, which will start out in one specific building.
In November of last year, Google was rumoured to be in very early talks with Dish Network about building new wireless spectrum to create a network to rival AT&T and Verizon. It doesn't sound like a deal is any where close to going down. The fact Google is testing a network shouldn't be taken that it has concrete plans to enter the wireless arena, either. 
At any rate, it's interesting the amount of experimentation that is going on at Google. We think this should be taken as a sign Google (and Motorola specifically) are gearing up for foreign networks. Google of course, was the first to roll out Fiber Internet in select cities in the US

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